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Make a date to join TMA Europe in Italy for its annual summer conference
Take a trip to Rome and catch up with your European counterparts at TMA Europe’s ninth annual conference this summer.
Bookings are now being taken for the conference on 9 and 10 June, which has become one of the leading events for turnaround practitioners, investors and other professionals involved in distressed environments across Europe.
Last year's event in Stockholm was attended by more than 170 people from 14 different countries, with feedback from delegates praising the excellent speakers and interesting presentations.
Other delegates said it had been 'useful and productive', 'the location was super as well the organisation' and that there had been ample time for networking.
Jukka-Pekka Joensuu, the immediate past vice president of international relations for TMA Global, who will co-chair the conference together with Enrica Maria Ghia, the president of TMA Italy, said: "The annual conference is always a great occasion. It's the perfect opportunity to get together with colleagues and meet new contacts, to share ideas and best practice, and to get up to date with key developments in the industry."
The title of this year's event is 'Increasing Performance Through Turnaround Culture and Values’, with speeches, panel debates and presentations on turnaround case studies focusing on this theme.
Mr Joensuu added: "We have a great programme lined up and some fantastic guest speakers and panellists taking part. As well as lively and informative debates, there will be plenty of time for networking. We are always keen to ensure the conference is as enjoyable as it is productive.”
The conference is being held at the Grand Hotel Plaza in the heart of Rome.
ReTurn ist das unabhängige Experten-Forum für Restrukturierungen, Sanierungen und Turnarounds. Dadurch gibt es erstmalig auch in Österreich eine Plattform, auf der sich Restrukturierungsmanager, Banker, Wirtschaftstreuhänder, Unternehmensberater, Investoren und Rechtsanwälte professionell mit dem Thema Restrukturierung befassen.