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TMA Europe’s East European event in Vienna

Erste Group Bank AG, A-1100 Wien, Am Belvedere 1, Vienna, Austria

NPLs high on the agenda for TMA Europe’s East European event in Vienna in February

NPLs high on the agenda for TMA Europe’s East European event in Vienna in February


The impact of new regulations for tackling non-performing loans (NPLs)will be debated at TMA Europe's fourth annual East European conference being held in Vienna early next year.

The event on Wednesday 22nd February will see ten leading experts taking part in two panel discussions on NPL sales flow and new European Central Bank guidelines for handling NPLs.

Ralf Zeitlberger, Head of Group Corporate Workout at Erste Group Bank AG, which is hosting the conference, will set the scene for the debate by giving an opening speech.

He said the two panel debates were closely linked given the ECB plans to introduce strict rules on dealing with NPLs at the same time the regulator is pushing banks to reduce their NPL stock. Panellists will explore possible strategies, including whether to sell portfolios and the factors involved in terms of price, market and quality, as well as other issues influencing the behaviour of banks.

Mr Zeitlberger said: "What we want to analyse is what these new regulations will mean not only for the banks but also for NPL investors, advisers and workout clients so that by the end of the conference we will all have a clearer picture of what is happening. I am also interested in exploring the differences in what is happening in different core CEE countries given the varying levels of NPLs and the range of investors' appetites."

Mr Zeitlberger, who gave the keynote address at the third annual conference held in Prague earlier this year, which was attended by 120 delegates, added: "I am delighted to be taking part in this conference again and to have the chance to continue some of the important discussions started in Prague and to give an update one year on.

"I really think this annual event is a great opportunity for anyone working in this region's financial sector to get together and debate the specific challenges and opportunities we all face."

The conference will run from 4pm until 8pm and there will be opportunities for networking before and after the speeches and debates.

It is free to attend but there is an admin charge of £15 which can be paid when you register at, where full details of the programme and speakers are also available.

For further details email mcaruana(at)

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